Gratitude & Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving week, we are thankful for each of our loyal guests & grateful for your ongoing support!
Yoga is a fantastic way to relieve the stress of the holiday season. suggests trying these six poses to celebrate and embrace the spirit of Thanksgiving: 
  • Pyramid Parsvottanasana- Pyramid Pose: This pose releases tension and invites flexibility into your life. 
  • Eka Pada Rajaka Potasana – Pigeon Pose: This hip opener is excellent for letting go and feeling easy.
  • Salabhasana – Locust Pose: Salbhasana is uplifting and opens your chest and heart area
  • Matsyasana – Fish Pose: Matsyasana is another fabulous chest opener that extends your heart area and is uplifting in both body and mind.
  • Tadusana – Mountain Pose: This pose embody’s the energy of giving and receiving and give you a feeling of joy and expansion.
  • Savasana – Corpse Pose: Relax and breathe deeply while focusing on all you have to be thankful for.
Click here to read the full story – and we wish you a happy & safe holiday! 
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